diet, weight loss

Keeping off the weight you lost

Everyone who cares about weight loss has heard of yo-yo dieting where you lose weight and then slowly (or quickly) put the weight back...

Find Your Motivation

An important part of personal training in The Woodlands and starting on the path to better health is having goals to reach along the...

Exercise is a top Diabetes Management Tool

Everyone knows that exercise and good nutrition can do a lot to prevent or delay diabetes onset, but that they are also key factors in...
pearland weight loss goal

How can you finish what you started?

There’s no question about it – making the commitment to work off that extra fat is no easy task. Not only is it hard...

Personal Training Online and Mobile

The best way to get in shape is with a custom workout designed around your goals, time, equipment and fitness level.  At iWellness, all...

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Knee Injury Prevention At Work

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pearland personal trainer diet

Diet Like Your Checkbook