
Nutrition tips and information for the busiest of parents and families.

halloween candy

Halloween Candy vs Jumping Jacks

Its that time of the year.  The Halloween candies and Holiday treats are coming at us like a high tide.  As delicious as they...

Diet Review: Fill Yourself Up with Volumetrics

If you’ve ever been on a weight-loss diet, you may have had these chief complaints: You always feel hungry, the diet is restrictive and...

Managing Fitness And Diet: Good Calories Vs. Empty Calories In The Battle For Weight...

When trying to achieve weight loss, gaining a balanced diet can be confusing.  There is a lot to include and there are real moderated...

Eating with Food in Mind

Did you know that some foods can boost cognitive function and reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders? 5 Foods to Improve...

Exploring the Mediterranean Diet and Carnivore Diet: A Nutritional Comparison

In the ever-evolving landscape of dietary trends, two seemingly contrasting approaches have continued to gained prominence: the Mediterranean Diet and the Carnivore Diet. While...

Super Easy Breezy Caprese Salad

Salads are a new favorite of mine...I can't pin-point when I stated craving salads daily; but sometimes my day is just not complete without...
Pearland personal trainer nutrition detox

7 Day Fruit Detox – Gift for You

A healthy body begins with living right, eating good foods and eliminating toxins from our body. My 7 day fruit detox uses primarily low glycemic...

Simple Steps To Choosing Foods You Should Eat

More than anything I get questions in regards to what foods clients should eat...aka their diet plan.  Not because of the lack of options...

History of Diets – FREE eBook

In order to understand the “shape” of weight-management, today, it’s helpful to know the evolution of the industry.  World-wide obsession with dieting has been...
houston personal trainer metabolism

Increase Your Metabolism Without Exercise

What if I told you that you could increase your metabolism without doing any extra exercise. Would you believe me?   Well, it is a fact. If...

Featured Articles

office workout pushups

5 Short Lunch Break Workouts

Although you might find this hard to believe...a short workout (7-12 minutes) can lead to just as much benefit as a "traditional long workout"...such...
mason jar salad

Mason Jar Meals & Salads 101

cleanse drink houston personal trainer

10 Second Colon Cleanse