Do you need a quick, delicious and healthy recipe? Or do you just want more nutrition tips and information on what all of your vegan, gluten-free, paleo, mediterranean diet friends are always talking about?! Here you will find delicious family friendly recipes plus some insanely delicious dessert ideas.

eat more fruit

10 Reasons to Eat More Fruit

We all know fruit is good for us and why we should eat more of it...but sometimes we just need those few reminders: Most...

How Carbs Can Hurt You

Is this what your daily menu looks like? Breakfast: Sugar cereal with whole milk Toast with butter, sugar, and cinnamon Get to the office: Coffee Donut Lunch: Big ol’ burger Curly fries Soda After lunch...
pearland personal trainer diet

Diet Like Your Checkbook

Can’t you just hear it now? The "New Vegetarian Diet", The "Cabbage Soup Diet", and the "No diet" diet. These are just a few out...
Pearland smoothie

Protein Packed Iced Rasberry Mocha Smoothie

If you love mocha coffee as well as like raspberries - this is a delicious smoothie that combines them all in a nutritious way...packed...
pearland personal trainer houston nutrition

Easy to Follow Weight Loss & Metabolism Boosting Meal Plan

The following meal plan can be followed for a quick, jump start plan. And then eventually as something you can follow for the long...
mason jar salad

Mason Jar Meals & Salads 101

Mason jars are a great way to make sure your meals are perfectly portioned.  Today I wanted to share a formula for a mason jar salad...

Grilled Chicken Bruschetta

Grilled Chicken Bruschetta Ingredients: 3 medium vine ripe tomatoes 2 small cloves garlic, minced 1/4 cup chopped red onion 2 tbsp fresh basil leaves, chopped ...

Delicious French Fries Treat

Do you love french fries?  Me too!  I mean, who doesn’t…french fries are one of those amazingly delicious foods that satisfy all kinds of...
after school snacks

5 Quick and Healthy Afterschool Snacks for Busy Parents

After a long day at school, kids often come home hungry and in need of a quick energy boost to tide them over until...

Keen – what? Quinoa

So, what IS Quinoa (pronounced KEEN-wah)? Quinoa is a grain that comes from the Andes Mountains of South America and has much to offer. Technically...

Featured Articles

office workout pushups

5 Short Lunch Break Workouts

Although you might find this hard to believe...a short workout (7-12 minutes) can lead to just as much benefit as a "traditional long workout"...such...
mason jar salad

Mason Jar Meals & Salads 101

cleanse drink houston personal trainer

10 Second Colon Cleanse