Healthy Dessert – Dark Chocolate and Tofu Tart

A healthy dessert such as dark chocolate and tofu helps prove that feelings are delicious when your in the kitchen...even better when they are...
benefits of turmeric

Upgrade Your Turmeric Right Now

I have some great news...This is your chance to upgrade your current Turmeric with something that’s 3x more absorbable. ​ My friends over at JayLab Pro...

[QUIZ] Which pantry food dissolves belly fat?

Top German scientists from Mannheim have discovered by preparing a very common pantry food with a new and unusual method will increase calorie burning by...

Choco-PB Smoothie – The Perfect Pair

What goes together better than peanut butter and chocolate?  This smoothie is so delicious and sweet you'll think you're drinking a milkshake, but it's...

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5 Short Lunch Break Workouts

Although you might find this hard to believe...a short workout (7-12 minutes) can lead to just as much benefit as a "traditional long workout"...such...
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Mason Jar Meals & Salads 101

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