Bodyweight exercise program, adventure or spartan race training plans, workout motivation – you name it – you’ll find a story about it here. We stay on top of all the latest fitness trends and research.

The Core Training Myth

The core is without a doubt the most important area in terms of injury prevention and athletic performance; it is also the area that...

Commercial 2 Minute Core Workout

Workout and Commercials...two words that you typically don't think you can put together that leads to a positive outcome to your fitness, health and...

Improve your life habits

What are your habits? Do you eat the same thing for lunch, go through the same exercise routine, and fall into bed at the same...

BootCamp – Quick Full Body Workout

At BootCamp this morning along with a Spartan Series we also did an Interval SuperSet workout combined with a Shoulder Enduro Series...both of which...
pearland personal trainer success

Habits and Behavior to ensure your Fat Loss

Self-directed fat loss programs fail 98% of the time, but not because fat loss is so hard. It’s because most people make fat loss...

Fat Blasting Cardio Workout

Sometimes standard cardio can be...well, lets say boring.  I always say to my personal training and online training clients that workouts should (and can)...
pearland personal trainer houston wellness nutrition

Fitness – To Track or Not To Track

Technology has taken center stage with fitness tracking devices. You can wear a watch, band or even download an APP to track or share...

36 things that will happen when…

Here is a list of 36 cool things that happen when you eat right, exercise and lose a little weight.  These are scientifically proven...

Add Variety to your Cardio Workouts

Adding variety to your cardio routine not only helps you achieve a fuller workout but helps keep the routine from becoming boring. While some...
personal trainer calorie burn

Personal Trainer Spilling the Beans on the Calorie Burn

But I Burn MORE Calories The Longer I Go On The Treadmill! It’s time to stop banking on the calorie burn that pops up on...

Featured Articles

office workout pushups

5 Short Lunch Break Workouts

Although you might find this hard to believe...a short workout (7-12 minutes) can lead to just as much benefit as a "traditional long workout"...such...
mason jar salad

Mason Jar Meals & Salads 101

cleanse drink houston personal trainer

10 Second Colon Cleanse