Bodyweight exercise program, adventure or spartan race training plans, workout motivation – you name it – you’ll find a story about it here. We stay on top of all the latest fitness trends and research.

Stuck at a desk all day? It’s time to move.

Many of us have seen our in-person work life change dramatically over the last couple years. There's plenty of upsides - but also, you may...
personal trainer calorie burn

Personal Trainer Spilling the Beans on the Calorie Burn

But I Burn MORE Calories The Longer I Go On The Treadmill! It’s time to stop banking on the calorie burn that pops up on...

Exercise is a top Diabetes Management Tool

Everyone knows that exercise and good nutrition can do a lot to prevent or delay diabetes onset, but that they are also key factors in...

Monday Motivation – Rocking Chair Test

I hope you had a great weekend! Well it's Monday and it's Time to get back at it with a Motivational Boost! Anthony Robbins uses this...
workout female home pushups

Quick Dumbbell Full Body Workout

Time is generally the #1 excuse not to exercise.  But what if you could get a full body workout in your own home -...

Fat Burning Swimming Workout – With A Partner

Swimming is known as an excellent full body exercise - that is low impact, but it can also be made as a high intensity...

Injuries, Strains and Sore Muscles

For anyone who has ever exercised - you understand that experiencing soreness the day after a work out isn’t uncommon. After all, you’re pushing your...
office workout pushups

5 Short Lunch Break Workouts

Although you might find this hard to believe...a short workout (7-12 minutes) can lead to just as much benefit as a "traditional long workout"...such...

Random Acts of Fitness and Wellness – this works!

You may be asking yourself, what's with the strange headline, but trust me I do have an very good explanation... I used to believe that...

How to Stay Motivated to Exercise

Do you have trouble staying motivated to exercise?  As you probably know, exercise is always a do-it-yourself venture. No other person and no machine...

Featured Articles

office workout pushups

5 Short Lunch Break Workouts

Although you might find this hard to believe...a short workout (7-12 minutes) can lead to just as much benefit as a "traditional long workout"...such...
mason jar salad

Mason Jar Meals & Salads 101

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10 Second Colon Cleanse