Bodyweight exercise program, adventure or spartan race training plans, workout motivation – you name it – you’ll find a story about it here. We stay on top of all the latest fitness trends and research.

Butt & Gut Workout

How is your summer ready body coming along?  I totally understand - even the best of us are not always in our best swimsuit...

Yoga for Busy Parents

When you think of yoga, visions of a skinny guy twisting himself into a pretzel probably come to mind. But if you're expecting or...
Pearland, personal trainer, Houston, wellness

Achieve Your Goals

Goal achievement, especially when it comes to health and fitness, can be a mystery. Most of us have no trouble with Step 1 (Setting...

Reduce Back Pain with Pilates

Do you suffer from chronic back pain? Are you afraid to see s specialist because you don’t want to just pop a few pills...

At Home – Staircase Workout

Getting out and about for our wellness / fitness activities is not the norm anymore.  With some innovation and design - you can get...

Put Yourself First

You’re a parent, school volunteer, Little League coach, and trusted employee. You’ve been up since 6 a.m., made breakfast, packed lunches, cleaned the house,...

Ways to Make Fitness Fun

Is fitness fun to you?  How did going to the gym become such a chore? Why is it so hard to actually want to...

Weekend Ready Butt & Gut Workout

Get rid of that gut and tone that butt with these workouts that target your glutes, quads, hamstrings and core. For each exercise, perform 10...

Our client have more ways to track all their activities with the latest Apple...

Our clients have been loving the initial features that came with the release of the new Apple Watch App last fall. It was the first...
workout female home pushups

Quick Dumbbell Full Body Workout

Time is generally the #1 excuse not to exercise.  But what if you could get a full body workout in your own home -...

Featured Articles

office workout pushups

5 Short Lunch Break Workouts

Although you might find this hard to believe...a short workout (7-12 minutes) can lead to just as much benefit as a "traditional long workout"...such...
mason jar salad

Mason Jar Meals & Salads 101

cleanse drink houston personal trainer

10 Second Colon Cleanse