Deck of Cards Workout

For over two decades now I have used a simple deck of 52 cards to provide a fun, calorie burning workout that my clients...

Exercising with Lower Back Pain

It’s a common problem for many who exercise. It makes everyday activity difficult, and scares a lot of people away from any physical activity....

Drop A Dress Size Workout

Got a wedding to go to or your high school reunion? Or maybe you just want to fit into your 'skinny jeans'. Today I...
workout female home pushups

Quick Dumbbell Full Body Workout

Time is generally the #1 excuse not to exercise.  But what if you could get a full body workout in your own home -...

Flat Abs Workout

Its summer time.  Why not keep those abs flat and ready for the swimsuit anytime the opportunity arises.  Here is a quick workout you...

Don’t Let the Summer Heat Stop You From Your Workout

It may be difficult to balance fitness with heat, however that doesn’t mean you've got to sacrifice your exercise program. Here is seven concepts...

Reduce Back Pain with Pilates

Do you suffer from chronic back pain? Are you afraid to see s specialist because you don’t want to just pop a few pills...

It’s Monday…time for the 7 Day Wellness Challenge

Can you believe it is December already?  2017 has completely flown by!!! Being the month of December I realize we all have tons of things...
Houston personal trainer jumping jacks

12 Minute Anywhere Workout

Contrary to many of the exercise programs out there on TV and in the fitness magazines as well as many of the personal trainers...

Another Fitness Myth Debunked

Somewhere along your journey to fitness, whether in the gym, reading the latest books, or talking with your friends, you'll hear a lot of...

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5 Short Lunch Break Workouts

Although you might find this hard to believe...a short workout (7-12 minutes) can lead to just as much benefit as a "traditional long workout"...such...
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Mason Jar Meals & Salads 101

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10 Second Colon Cleanse