We all know that living a healthy, balanced life is about more than just eating right and exercising. It is about all what is in life – all of which leads to mastering our lifetime ROI.

strengthen immune system

8 Tips to Strengthen Your Immune System

At a time when people are exposed to more than 200 different cold viruses, several strains of flu—including the recent outbreak of "COVID-19"—and hosts...
pearland personal trainer diet

Diet Like Your Checkbook

Can’t you just hear it now? The "New Vegetarian Diet", The "Cabbage Soup Diet", and the "No diet" diet. These are just a few out...

What Is Your #1 Keystone Habit?

What’s the one habit in your life that creates a domino effect leading to other positive habits? Is it planning your day? Or maybe doing a...

Goal Setting and Motivation

Motivation to lose weight, get in shape and make better daily choices If you are generally unhealthy, overweight or obese, there are some powerful reasons...

Children And Fitness: Never Too Early To Start

Watching children run, play, swing, and see-saw on the playground may give you a few twinges of wistful nostalgia. Exercise did not seem like...

Holiday Feasting

The time between Thanksgiving and New Years is not the time to worry about trying to lose weight. Most people gain a little weight...
family workout home situps

Training at Home – The Whole Family

A home gym adds convenience and privacy to your workouts. When you exercise at home, you can save time, money, and the rush hour...
holiday eating hacks

“Surviving the Holiday Feast: Healthy Eating Hacks That Won’t Scrooge Your Taste Buds”

'Tis the season to be jolly, not jiggly! As the holiday feast approaches, the thought of navigating the spread without feeling like a stuffed...
pearland personal trainer reward

Reward Yourself

The other day I talked about PLANNING…In yesterdays post I talked about INSPIRATION of those around you.  These two components are hugely responsible in...

DIY Hand Sanitizer

If you’re stuck somewhere and can’t wash your hands, using hand sanitizer is the next best thing.  But what if you don’t have any...

Featured Articles

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5 Short Lunch Break Workouts

Although you might find this hard to believe...a short workout (7-12 minutes) can lead to just as much benefit as a "traditional long workout"...such...
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Mason Jar Meals & Salads 101

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10 Second Colon Cleanse