Why Everyone Should Train with Weights

Strength Becomes More Important with Age.  Think you’re too old to start a strength training program? Well think again! Strength training is just what...

12 Minute Gut Buster BodyWeight Workout

Trim inches off your waist line 12 minutes at a time with this high intensity cross-training gut buster bodyweight workout. Perform each exercise in a...

5 Ab Exercises that Tone Your Entire Core

Its not about just crunches anymore!  If you truly want to see a change in your abs - (outside of changing some nutritional/dietary habits)...

Core Workout – Weekend Toner

Our ears have stopped ringing from the fireworks, and our tummies are almost finished digesting all of the pounds delicious 4th festivity foods.  Now...

Pearland Personal Trainer – Commercial Workout

It was 20 years ago that I released my first edition of my Commercial Workouts.  The very first collection was designed for one of...

Fat Burning Swimming Workout – With A Partner

Swimming is known as an excellent full body exercise - that is low impact, but it can also be made as a high intensity...

Polar Bear Bootcamp

It was a brrrr of a morning at Pearland BootCamp this morning.  (though not as cold as some days past...thank God!)  So with the...

Progression Principle for Your Weight Loss and Fitness Success

There is a huge importance of something call "progression" and your success in weight loss and fitness.... Let me use 2 examples to explain how...

Weekend Ready Butt & Gut Workout

Get rid of that gut and tone that butt with these workouts that target your glutes, quads, hamstrings and core. For each exercise, perform 10...

Yoga for Busy Parents

When you think of yoga, visions of a skinny guy twisting himself into a pretzel probably come to mind. But if you're expecting or...

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5 Short Lunch Break Workouts

Although you might find this hard to believe...a short workout (7-12 minutes) can lead to just as much benefit as a "traditional long workout"...such...
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Mason Jar Meals & Salads 101

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10 Second Colon Cleanse